bps ( bits per second ) 位/秒 一般用作传输速率
Bps ( bytes per second ) 字节/秒 一般用作显示速度
1Byte = 8*1bit (1字节=8字位)
而我们通常所讲的2M带宽、10M带宽,一般是指10Mbit (10Mbps)
官方文档上BandWidth的单位:BandWidth [From] [bytes/s]
BandWidth all 131072
// (1024*1024) bps/8 = 131072 Bps
3.1 - BandWidthModule [On|Off]
You need to set this to On for the mod to work.. By default, the mod is
disabled, and wont limit anything.
Example :
BandWidthModule On
3.2 - ForceBandWidthModule [On|Off]
By default, the mod wont catch every request.
If you enable it, every request will be processed by the mod.
Example :
(normal use)
AddOutputFilterByType MOD_BW text/html text/plain
(enabling Force)
ForceBandWidthModule On
3.3 - BandWidth [From] [bytes/s]
This takes 2 parameters. From is the origin of the connections. It could
be a full host, part of a domain, an ip address, a network mask (i.e or or all.
The second parameter indicates the total speed available to the Origin.
If speed is 0, there is no limit.
Example :
BandWidth localhost 10240
BandWidth 0
( Order is relevant. First entries have precedence )
As for version 0.8, an user agent matching capability was introduced.
If you want to limit all clients using certain browser, you can limit
doing this :
BandWidth u:[User-Agent] [bytes/s]
User agent is a regular expression which will match the one sent by the
browser. This is easier to explain with examples :
Example :
BandWidth "u:^Mozilla/5(.*)" 10240
BandWidth "u:wget" 102400
First one, will match a browser that identifies itself as Mozilla/5(etc)
Second one, will match a browser that has wget in any part of its id.
3.4 - MinBandWidth [From] [bytes/s]
This takes 2 parameters. From is the origin of the connections. It could
be a full host, part of a domain, an ip address, a network mask (i.e or or all.
The second parameter indicates the minimun speed each client will have.
What does this mean ? If you have a total of 100kbytes speed, and you put
MinBandWidth at 50kbytes, it doesnt matter how many clients you have, all
of them will have a minimun of 50kbytes of total speed to download.
If speed is 0, you will be using the default minimun (256 bytes/s).
There is a special value of -1. This value means that each client will
have a top speed determined by the BandWidth directive. See the examples.
Examples :
BandWidth all 102400
MinBandWidth all 50000
The example above will set a top speed of 100kb for the 1�
client. If more clients come, it will be splitted accordingly but
everyone will have at least 50kb (even if you have 50 clients)
BandWidth all 50000
MinBandWidth all -1
This example, makes everyone have 50kb as top speed.
3.5 - LargeFileLimit [Type] [Minimum Size] [bytes/s]
Type, is the last part of a file, or * for all. You can use .tgz to match
only tar-compressed files, .avi to match video files, or * to match all.
Minimum Size, is the size (in kbytes) of the file, to be matched. That way
you can match huge video files that hog your bandwidth.
The last parameter... is obvious. The speed allowed.
Example :
LargeFileLimit .avi 500 10240
This limits .avi files over (or equal to) 500kb to 10kbytes/s
3.6 - BandWidthPacket [Size]
Probably you never need to touch this. It defaults to 8192 which is good
for almost any speed.
It must be a size between 1024 and 131072. A Small packet will cause the
top speed to be lower, and the mod using more time splitting. If you use
a Size too big, the mod will adjust it to lower speeds.
If you are using the mod in high speed networks, this is, you want to
set limits of megabits/s, you will be better using packet sizes of
16384, or 32768.
3.7 - BandWidthError [Error]
This directive is useful to deliver a personalized error code.
By default, when maxconnections is reached, the mod will issue a 503
HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE code. For some users, it is annoying to have an
error message, and don't knowing why. You could use an ErrorDocument to
point error 503 to a page explaining that you are under a heavy load of
connections, but sometimes 503 is issued by the server for other reasons.
So, with this directive, you can set the error code to return when
maxconnections is reached. You can use any error code between 300 and 599.
Please note, that some of the error codes are already used, so before using
any number, take a look to a list of the codes (search for http error codes
in google).
When testing, i've used the error code 510, which hasn't been defined yet.
And Example, with Personalized Error Page :
ErrorDocument 510 /errors/maxconexceeded.html
BandWidthError 510
Note : Sometimes, the personalized page didn't appear. I'm not sure, but
in many cases, it got fixed, by making the page size over 1024bytes.
Anyways, if you need help using ErrorDocument, refer to the apache
3.8 - MaxConnection [From] [Max]
This takes 2 parameters. From is the origin of the connections. It could
be a full host, part of a domain, an ip address, a network mask (i.e or or all.
The second parameter, is the max connections allowed from the origin. Any
connection over Max, will get a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
There is a catch. You NEED to have a BandWidth limit for the same origin.
It doesnt need to be a low limit. But you need one. (unlimited, doesn't
You might wonder why. It's because im using them same memory space of the
bandwidth limit to count the connections, so i can save memory space.
If you dont put a BandWidth using the same origin, MaxConnections will be
Example :
BandWidth all 102400000
MaxConnection all 20
BandWidth all 102400000
BandWidth 10240
MaxConnection all 20
MaxConnection 5
As for version 0.8, an user agent matching capability was introduced.
If you want to limit all clients using certain browser, you can limit
doing this :
MaxConnection u:[User-Agent] [Max]
User agent is a regular expression which will match the one sent by the
browser. This is easier to explain with examples :
Example :
MaxConnection "u:^Mozilla/5(.*)" 5
MaxConnection "u:wget" 5
First one, will match a browser that identifies itself as Mozilla/5(etc)
Second one, will match a browser that has wget in any part of its id.
Please, rememeber that every speed, will depend mostly on your connection.
You can't get more speed if you dont have it.
Remember also.. if you dont follow the instructions, and get some weird
results, recheck your config before sending me an email.
3.9 - Status Callback
Since v0.9, the mod can display a simple status page, showing stats from
the running mod. This stats show the exact information being used by the mod
to do the limiting in that second.
For this to work, you need to set a handler on any vhost. You might want
to set this under an admin vhost, or set some policies to make it private.
Your call.
Example (let's assume the vhost is for :
<location /modbw>
SetHandler modbw-handler
Now, you can get the status info at
( Or download a CSV of the stats at )
The information provided is the following :
id : 0 // This is just a correlative number for each config.
name : work.ivn.cl,all // The vhost name, and the scope of the rule
lock : 0 // If the memory segment is being used (0 = no)
count: 0 // Number of users connected to this rule
bw : 0 // Bandwidth currently being used by the rule
bytes: 0 // Number of bytes last sent. Only true if count>0
hits : 0 // Number of times anyone has accesed this rule.
Simple, yet useful !
4.- Examples
4.1 - Misc examples
Limit every user to a max of 10Kb/s on a vhost :
<Virtualhost *>
BandwidthModule On
ForceBandWidthModule On
Bandwidth all 10240
MinBandwidth all -1
Servername www.example.com
Limit al internal users (lan) to 1000 kb/s with a minimum of 50kb/s , and
files greater than 500kb to 50kb/s.
<Virtualhost *>
BandwidthModule On
ForceBandWidthModule On
Bandwidth all 1024000
MinBandwidth all 50000
LargeFileLimit * 500 50000
Servername www.example.com
Limit avi and mpg extensions to 20kb/s.
<Virtualhost *>
BandwidthModule On
ForceBandWidthModule On
LargeFileLimit .avi 1 20000
LargeFileLimit .mpg 1 20000
Servername www.example.com
Using it the "right" way, with output filter by mime type (for text)
to 5kb/s:
<Virtualhost *>
BandwidthModule On
AddOutputFilterByType MOD_BW text/html text/plain
Bandwidth all 5000
Servername www.example.com
If you need help on doing more complex setup, post it in my webpage, or
send me an email.
Apache 2.4以上版本,新增了mod_ratelimit,针对请求限流,不能针对IP。
修改时间 2018-07-12