Node.js MySQL2 如何编写事务


await conn.query(`START TRANSACTION`);
await conn.execute(`INSERT INTO user VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [...userDetails]);
await conn.execute(`INSERT INTO account VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [...accountDetails]);
await conn.query(`COMMIT`);

START TRANSACTION 和 COMMIT 不可以使用 conn.execute,

MySQL limits which statements can be done in prepared statements, start transaction is not allowed. See SQL Syntax Allowed In Prepared Statements and here is a demonstration.

execute is always using and caching prepared statements. This is good if the query is complex (MySQL doesn't have to parse it every time) or takes arguments (for security).

However, if your query is simple and does not take any arguments there's no need to prepare it. Use query which just runs the SQL. This both avoids the error you're getting, and it avoids filling up the prepared statement cache.


 let sql = 'select * from tb_user limit 1';
 let values = [];

 const pool = mysql.createPool({
  port: config.database.port,
  database: config.database.database,
  user: config.database.username,
  password: config.database.password,
  waitForConnections: true,
  connectionLimit: 10,
  queueLimit: 0

 let conn = null;
 try {
  conn = await pool.getConnection();
  await conn.beginTransaction();

  const [response, meta] = await conn.query(sql);
  await conn.execute(sql, values);
  await conn.execute(sql, values);

  await conn.commit();
 } catch (error) {
  if (conn) await conn.rollback();
  throw error;
 } finally {
  if (conn) await conn.release();

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